Oct 23, 2021
On October 18, 2021, I held the fourth annual Women’s Global Happiness Day, a not-for-profit worldwide initiative to eradicate the women’s depression epidemic. We had women from over a dozen countries register for this event, and from their feedback it was truly inspirational and life changing. I want to share what...
Oct 16, 2021
As women we have so many pressures put upon us from society, from friends or family members or coworkers, from the media, about not being enough… Not thin enough or young enough or rich enough or curvy enough, and so on! At the same we’re often afraid of being too much! What will others think if we show up as the...
Oct 7, 2021
As women we have leashed ourselves to the fear that if we shine too brightly we’ll make others feel bad, or that they’ll judge us for it, or that we’ll fail and look stupid, or that we won’t be loved. We’ve put this leash around our own necks, or we haven’t removed the leash that society has put on us, and...